Similar Games

I have never seen busses that also float and go on rails...

Not so much the rails, but aquatic busses are used, primarily as tourist sightseeing tours.  I see these guys whenever I go for a walk downtown.

..and then there is a hungarian company , who using true water buses , converted actual coaches, not some landing boats like in usa or england. I wasnt brave enough to ride them..:D

Also i checked google and there are quite lot of buses that can go on rail and road(but cant float. yet.) 


Looks quite nice though...maybe I can finally stop my futile attempts at ever finishing AirportSim...haven't touched it in months again :)

Nein, deine Taxi-Strecke sieht geil aus! Also du hast noch was darauf :)

As for Transport fever , when it will be on sale, i'l buy it.

As for my part, I love to plan routes and schedule flights here in AS. For that reason, I also love to play Transport Fever (the successor of Train Fever). That is a very addictive game - especially looking at my hours played on the Steam platform. Railroad connections (and bus / tram feeders) are still the major thing in the game, but in the current version you can also connect cities by boat and airplanes (airplanes!). 

I have 63 hours in Transport Fever (mostly afk) and 20 hours in Cities Skylines. The difference is that ones a system is working in Transport Fever the only issue will be to add capacity. It is quite the opposite in cities skylines. And the time I have actually played the game is mostly time spent either on planes or trains.