Was ist mit Tempelhof los ?

Moin zusammen,

Seit Tagen hängt Tempelhof massiv hinterher…

Aktuell brauchen Travel Desire Berechnungen selbst für die kleinsten Airports rund 2 Minuten pro Platz. Die Flight Updates rund 3 Minuten pro Vorgang…

Wenn man unter diesen Umständen etwa machen möchte, ich man ewig beschäftigt.

Wäre nett, wenn das AS Team sich mal kurz äußern könnte, woran es hängt und wann es voraussichtlich wieder besser wird.

Vielen Dank,


Stapleton macht ähnliche Probleme - zwar nicht ganz so schlimm, aber eben hat das Berechnen des Aufkommens am Flughafen Borkum (!) 135 Sekunden gedauert. Irgendetwas kann da nicht stimmen.

Wird zur Zeit untersucht!

Tempelhof hängt ca. 6h hinterher, aber das wisst ihr sicher schon ^^

It is a problem if the server continually lags behind, because the ORS cannot be used.

But it is even a bigger problem if players have to wait up to 1 minute to open any page… it takes ages to show you your fleet page, or your profit and loss statement page. And it is not my internet connection, it is the server that responds too slowly.

You know Fawlty Towers ? John Cleese thinks it would be easier to run a hotel if there were no customers. I think AS would run better if there were no players :lol:


Jepp at the moment the server have a delay of 10 hours. I don’t think that will be better today (weekend and a lot of players will be online)

cheers Julia

A short and probably unsatisfying statement:

We have no clue what’s the matter with Tempelhof. It does not seem to be affected by any of the recent demand fluctuation problems, all updates are running as usual with no errors or problems showing up, traffic is normal. But yet, everything appears to run slower than in other game worlds, even compared to Stapleton which runs on the same machine.

Personally, I’m unable to do a thorough investigation right now as I’m travelling. I’m hoping that we can look into it as soon as possible tonight or tomorrow :(

Well, right now despite the lag the interactive response is quite fast IMHO.

we’re working on it… I’ve made some changes to the database behind airlinesim and hope they will improve the performance


you’re right. General response is back to normal now. Unfortunately the server delay is still increasing… 12 hours behind schedule now.
