All World Alliance QUIMBY

All World Alliance plans to relaunch on quimby.

Message bellow if you are interested, you must have a history with a successful airline or be a previous alliance member

Hi, I am interested. I am new to Airlinesim, so a successful history is a bitt difficult. What I can show you is my KAPFISHER FLY on Aspern. Not too bad for just some days in business I would say.

On Quimby Ewing Air in DFW is mine.

I am considering… In the previous Quimby i had Sky Fly, the second one in Amsterdam. It was a very succesful airline. I am sure you know Sky Fly. Again, i have Sky Fly in Amsterdam and i have a lot of information for routes. I am sure i can add something to the alliance… But what can All world alliance offer me?

Hi, I am interested. I am new to Airlinesim, so a successful history is a bitt difficult. What I can show you is my KAPFISHER FLY on Aspern. Not too bad for just some days in business I would say.

On Quimby Ewing Air in DFW is mine.

Im sorry but we need people who have previously ran successful airlines, 

Were you on the old quimby?

Im sorry but we need people who have previously ran successful airlines, 

Were you on the old quimby?

Nope, wasn´t on old Quimby. On the new one I have EWING AIR in DFW.

I am interested in joining. I am currently based in Japan and I feel like joining the alliance would be valuable to some of the current members as well as myself. I also would Like to mention that I currently have IL agreements with a couple of your members.

- pinto_97

CEO All Japan Holdings

CEO All Japan Airlines