Tempehof's bookings haven't updated in over two days.

As you can tell by the headline, traffic on the Tempelhof server hasn't updated in over two days. The screenshot I took shows the status it has been at for all of that time, that is that the next airport in line to have it's demand calculated is Yanbu, Saudi-Arabia (YNB). Needless to say this is screwing up airlines left and right. Just wanted to let you know.



Wie man anhand der Überschrift unschwer erkennen kann, sind die Buchungen auf dem Server Tempelhof seit über zwei Tagen nicht aktualisiert. Der Screenshot zeigt den Status, den er diese gesamte Zeit über hatte, und zwar, dass der Flughafen Yanbu, Saudi-Arabien (YNB) der nächste zu aktualisierende Flughafen ist. Dass das den Fluggesellschaften massiv schadet ist klar. Wollte die Situation nur mal anmerken.



Screenshot (255).png

[EN] The ORS was stuck on Tempelhof, Devau and Riem. It's now running again and working on the backlog.

[DE] Das ORS war stehen geblieben auf Temeplhof, Devau und Riem. Es läuft jetzt wieder und holt den Rückstand auf.

Quick question, will there be any compensation or are the passengers going to book fast enough if that makes sense?  

I would assume, that most of the bookings was recovered, while a few will probably be lost.

And no, you won't get any compensation. If you are really going bankrupt because of those missing bookings, you might want to ask Support for some help. But then, if you're already in such a bad shape, maybe you won't make it anyway.