Help on improving image

My airlines image has been decreasing constantly since creation and I have been trying to figure out how to increase back. My fleet age is quite old (average around 25 yrs) but I’ve been giving generous leg rooms and seat quality as well as service profiles. Is there anything else I missed other than fleet age (I’m in the process of replacing old planes)?

Thank you!

Your staff mood also influences the image. And yes, while it might be good to start with old aircraft to grow faster, you should think of replacing them with newer types to not damage your image too much.

Thank you for the reply. I have increased my employees salary quite a bit but it is still not increasing. The AGEX on meigs right now is 661 (very low) and my load factor has been decreasing since the dip from 90% to 67% within a few weeks. Does the image impact the EQ on ORS?

Yes, the image has in influence on the ORS rating.

And the longer the employees have been treated badly, the longer it will take to increase their mood. I had an airline, where the image was all red and it took more than a year to get it to increase, even though I paid the maximum.

I never decreased the wage before. I will be constantly upgrading my regional aircrafts from q300 and q400 to su9 (bringing down the age). My service profiles are 3 bars min as well. Idk why my ors rating is so low.

well, then check your ORS rating, particularly in comparission to your competition.

regarding your wages, if you have never changed them, you will most certainly be below country average. the wages are set to a country default. if there is only a single other airline in your home country, they will most certainly be paying their staff more, resulting in an increased country average (compared to default), rendering your wages insufficient for an improving staff mood -> image

Saudi Arabia in meigs is quite under-served at the moment. Though you have a competitor he is also operating older planes so you dont need care too much about image for now.

Saudi Arabia in meigs is quite under-served at the moment. Though you have a competitor he is also operating older planes so you dont need care too much about image for now.

hi uzkt01, thank you for the reply. I noticed a few of my competitors are also running older planes. Meigs AGEX right now is 661 (last time i checked) and my Load factor been decreasing constantly. Im hoping maybe changing the image may boost higher load factor.

If I were you I would stick to only B737s for higher demand routes. If B757s are not filling, drop them from the fleet. You dont want to have 4th maintenance category with dwindling profits in current scenario.

Also I would suggest to fly more domestic routes.