Aircraft Condition Below 50% + all flights being cancelled

I've been playing for a while now and I have never ended up in this situation before across many of my airlines, but my whole fleet have a condition of under 50%, all my flights are being cancelled, I went from having $200,000 in the bank to -$500,000 due to paying compensation, and the condition just won't go up and I understand I have to manually cancel flights to allow the aircraft to be on the ground for 2 hours in order to perform maintenance, but it literally won't let me cancel them unless there are 0 pax booked, I guess its because I cant pay compensation, I've even tried transferring the aircraft to my home base and maintenance still won't be performed, as you can tell, this is a disaster and this airline is probably gonna go bust which is a shame 

hope someone can help me fix this and I'm playing in the Yeager world btw :)

How much maintenance ratio do your planes have? They need to have more 100%

all above 100%, an average of around 130% which is why I'm really confused

Maintenance always demands cash payment. So there won't be any maintenance happening in your situation - the only way out is to cancel one or more leasing contracts, in order to get some cash back on your bank account, that will then pay for maintenance.

I'd guess that's how it all started: Too low cash reserves...

It's a really bad situation, I know... but there isn't really any other way out of it.

If cancelling leasing contracts will be a major hit to your airline, you might possibly consider to just reset your airline and start again - Yeager is still young...

Good luck! :)

You should always have in a bank one week worth of costs, if this would be too high amount for you, then you should have at least a few days worth of expenses (lease, fuel, maintenance) .

oops my mistake, guess I got a bit excited with all the used aircraft in Yeager and purchased more than I can actually support, thanks for your help but one last question, I've already received a rescue loan for one week-end closing, but the next week I paid it successfully, so this week will I be able to get another rescue loan, or is that totally out the question?

A second rescue loan is possible. But remember that there is no guarantee for this.

Don’t worry, I’ll admit as an experienced player I’ve made exactly the same mistake too today!

You can always get two guaranteed rescue loans in a row (but never three in a row).

If you successfully paid one week-end closing, the counter is reset.

I have the problem that everything is above 100% ratio and enough cash reserve and still the condition of the planes goes down… :frowning:

Most likely maintenance is not spread out evenly .

A good thumb rule, is to have at least 1 - if not 2 - maintenance windows every single day.