Newbie (or beginner) wanted

For a new project on Meigs I’m looking for a new player or a player with little experience to help him create his own airline in close cooperation. I can offer a lot of experience, very fast support (I’m almost online daily, at least to check messages) and almost a guarantee for not failing and will take you through all steps of creating your own, competitive airline. There are of course some restrictions as I have a very clear idea on how the airline has to look like to be successfull.

I do require a willingness to learn and adapt, loyalty and the will, to stay in the game long-term. A basic understanding of either the game or the aviation business itself (it helps!) would be a nice addition.

English or German is fine for me. Just give me a message in the forum.

I’ll volunteer to be helped, just msg me

Hello. I know you started this thread a long time ago, but if you're still interested, I could really use the help. I am also online daily and have a willingness to learn and grow. I'm so happy and appreciative of finding someone willing to do something like this. Please message me!

I’ll bring this topic up once again.

Looking for Newbies or Beginners for interesting projects and well-proven support! Leave me a message (stating your motivation, goals and background) and we might chat soon…

I’m currently running the biggest airline on Meigs with five years of experience in the game and more than ten years in the real world industry.

Hey, is this offer still up for grabs?

Don't think so, he's not playing any more.